Failed mandatory reporting obligation

Below are the details of the operational risks covered within this selected sub-risk category:


Delay in submitting mandatory reports to law enforcement agencies or regulators

Risk Description: -

Delay in submitting mandatory reports to law enforcement agencies or regulators may result in firm breaching its reporting obligations. Examples of such delay include: -

Submitting reports with significant information gaps to law enforcement agencies or regulators

Risk Description: -

Submitting reports with significant information gaps to law enforcement agencies or regulators may result in firm breaching its reporting obligations. Examples of such gaps include: -

Submitting report with incorrect information to law enforcement agencies or regulators

Risk Description: -

Submitting reports with incorrect information to law enforcement agencies or regulators may result in firm breaching its reporting obligations. Examples of such gaps include: -

Submitting inconsistent or conflicting data to multiple law enforcement agencies or regulators

Risk Description: -

Submitting inconsistent or conflicting data to multiple law enforcement agencies or regulators may result in a firm breaching its reporting obligations. Examples of such data include: -